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Here at Geotechnics, Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) is deeply embedded in our culture and is the forefront in everything we do.

For our HSW culture to continue to thrive, we must ensure it is supported by the intuitive design of a management system, which is why we are pleased to introduce Assura to our business.

Assura is a multi-faceted system that brings together all of our core Health and Safety activities into a single platform. With an improved user interface, the platform will automate workflows and provide mobile accessibility for our technicians whilst their out on site.

By centralising our Health and Safety functions, Assura will enable us to approach HSW responsibilities more efficiently whilst improving the quality of HSW outputs and improved data capture for better insights and reporting.

We are currently rolling out phase 1 of the platform, which includes the functionality of JSEA’s, double takes, safety conversations, vehicle checks, and more.

Over time, we will also include Wellbeing (W) and Environmental (E) activities and procedures to the platform. We will be continually adding functionality to this system, as well as designing bespoke solutions that reflect our culture.

A big thank you to our HSW team for all their hard mahi to implement this system!